Minerva, the new novel by Mario Coppola
On 1 June Minerva (Giunti), the second novel by Mario Coppola, will be released in bookstores.
With the help of Giuliana Guzzi’s illustrations, Mario Coppola tries to tell Naples, its ability to represent the world, the most spectacular beauty and the most unbearable evil: the peeling baroque palaces, their strenuous resistance to anomalous storms, to the hellish heat of the last few summers. But above all its being intertwined with the natural landscape in a fertile and painful bond, which reveals the precarious nature of both and generates a vibrant, unstable architecture. To tell of the even more inextricable intertwining between the city and the people, their wounds, their humanity, their crossed destinies that move in the urban space like marbles in the tunnels traced on the sand. Generating violence and injustice as in a nest of chimeras.
But for every Chimera sooner or later a Bellerophon arrives. Which this time is an orphan girl from the Land of Fires born as strong as a panther.
Preorder Minerva (Giunti) here: https://www.lafeltrinelli.it/minerva-libro-mario-coppola/e/9788809962514
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